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Baidyanath Gulkand (500g)

Relieves Acidity, Boosts Digestion, Supports Skin Health, Promotes Overall Wellness, Natural Treat.

1100 products available
Baidyanath Gulkand relieves acidity, supports digestion, promotes skin health, and contributes to overall wellness. A natural remedy that offers health benefits in a sweet form.

Active Ingredients:

Rose Petals, Sugar, Saffron

Indication and Usage:

• Relieves acidity

• Boosts digestion

• Supports skin health

• Promotes overall wellness

• Natural treat

Dosage Information:

Ayurvedic digestives should be taken as prescribed by an Ayurvedic doctor, following the recommended dosage and timing.

Precautions and Warnings:

Always consult a healthcare professional before use. Follow recommended dosage. Avoid during pregnancy without advice. Store in cool place.

Safety in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

May be safe during pregnancy, but always consult a doctor before using any herbal remedies.

Storage Information :

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Keep out of children’s reach.

Manufacturer Information:


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