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Divya Dhara (10ml)

Relieves Headaches, Colds, And Soothes Minor Aches.

1100 products available
Divya Dhara is a multipurpose Ayurvedic remedy that provides quick relief from headaches, colds, and minor body aches. It is easy to apply and helps in soothing pain and discomfort. Its natural ingredients make it a convenient remedy for daily health concerns like colds and muscle stiffness.

Active Ingredients:

Peppermint, Kapoor bhimseni sat, Ajwain sat

Indication and Usage:

• Relieves headaches

• Eases colds

• Soothes minor aches

Dosage Information:

Patanjali Ayurvedic medicines should be taken as directed on the label or by a healthcare professional for best results.

Precautions and Warnings:

Ensure correct dosage, avoid self-diagnosis, consult a qualified practitioner, and store medicines away from children and direct sunlight.

Safety in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

Patanjali Ayurvedic medicines may be safe during pregnancy, but always consult a doctor before using any herbal remedies.

Storage Information :

Store Ayurvedic medicines in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Keep out of children’s reach.

Manufacturer Information:

Patanjali Ayurved

Terms and Conditions

We assume you have talked to a doctor before buying this medicine and are not self-medicating.

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