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Nutricia International Dexolac 4 Follow Up Formula 400G

Nutrient-Rich Formula Supports Growth, Immunity, And Digestion For Infants.

₹356.00 -20% Off ₹445.00
1000 products available
Nutricia International Dexolac 4 Follow-Up Formula 400g: Tailored for older babies, Dexolac 4 provides vital nutrients for their active lifestyle. With a balanced formula, it supports their overall growth and cognitive development during their crucial stages.

Active Ingredients:

Milk solids, vegetable oils (palmolein, soy, coconut, sunflower), minerals, vitamins

Dosage Information:

Follow the instructions on the packaging provided by the manufacturer. Typically, for infants up to 6 months old, mix 1 scoop of formula with 2 ounces of water, and adjust as per your pediatrician's recommendations. Always use the provided scoop and ensure proper hygiene when preparing the formula.

Precautions and Warnings:

Check for allergies, follow age recommendations, prepare as directed, and consult a pediatrician for specific feeding guidance and concerns.

Storage Information :

Store baby food products in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep them organized and easily accessible for use.

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