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SBL Burn-Rel Spray

Burns, Skin care, Skin healing, Sunburn, Minor burns

₹83.00 -17% Off ₹100.00
SBL Burn-Rel Spray: A homeopathic spray for burns, providing relief and promoting the healing of burned skin.
1100 products available
SBL Burn-Rel Spray is a topical spray designed to provide relief from minor burns and scalds. It can soothe the affected area and promote healing.

Active Ingredients:

Cantharis Ext. HPI 10% v/v, Light liquid paraffin I.P.90% v/v, Antioxidant preservation q.s.

Indication and Usage:

SBL Burn-Rel Spray is a trusted and effective homeopathic formulation designed to alleviate the signs and symptoms linked to burns and scalds. It harnesses the power of Cantharis, a time-honored homeopathic remedy renowned for its effectiveness in addressing burns, scalds, vesicles, rawness, and the smarting sensation that accompanies them.

Dosage Information:

•Clean Hands: Wash hands before handling ointment.

•Clean Affected Area: Wash and dry the skin.

•Apply Thin Layer: Use a pea-sized amount and spread evenly.

•Gently Massage (if needed): Follow ointment instructions.

•Cover (if necessary): Use sterile bandage per instructions.

•Wash Hands After Application: Prevent contamination.

Precautions and Warnings:

• It is advisable to seek the guidance of a qualified homeopathic practitioner.
• Avoid exposure to strong-smelling substances, such as coffee, mint, camphor, and menthol.
• Avoid consuming alcohol and tobacco products.
• Avoid consuming strong-tasting substances, such as salt and vinegar, just before and after taking the remedy.
• Avoid taking large doses of a single remedy, as it can lead to an overdose and negative effect.

Interactions with Other Drugs:

Homeopathic remedies may interact with conventional or other Homeopathic medications, so it is important to inform the practitioner if any medications are being taken.

Safety in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

Homeopathic remedies are generally considered safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but it is still advisable to consult with a practitioner.

Storage Information :

Store homeopathic remedies away from light, heat, and strong-smelling substances, as these can damage their potency.

Expiration Date:

5 Years from the date of Mfg.

Manufacturer Information:

SBL Pvt Ltd

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