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Baidyanath Lawangadi Bati (10g)

Cough, Major Breathing difficulties, Bronchitis, Cold, Allergic Rhinitis, Respiratory Problems.

1100 products available
Useful for respiratory health, aiding in the relief of colds, coughs, allergic rhinitis, and bronchitis. It can help ease breathing difficulties and other respiratory issues.

Active Ingredients:

•Laung (Syzgium aromaticum)

•Baheda (Terminalia bellirica)

•Peepal (Piper longum)

•Sagar tigal

•Kakara-shrangi (Pistacia integerrima)

•Darim-twak (Bark of Punica granatum)

•Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)

•Khersar (Acacia catecha)

•Mulethi satva (Extract of Glycyrrhiza glabra)

•Munakka (Vitis vinifera)

•Aak ke phul (Flowers of calotrophic procera)


Indication and Usage:

• Relieves cold

• Eases allergic rhinitis

• Supports respiratory problems

• Helps with cough

• Alleviates major breathing difficulties

Dosage Information:

Take this medicine as prescribed by your doctor

Precautions and Warnings:

Ensure correct dosage, avoid self-diagnosis, consult a qualified practitioner, and store medicines away from children and direct sunlight.

Safety in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

Always consult a doctor before using them to ensure they’re safe for you and baby.

Storage Information :

Store Ayurvedic medicines in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Keep out of children’s reach.

Manufacturer Information:


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