Lord's L 129 Hyperhydrosis Drop
Supports Heart Health, Regulates Blood Pressure, And Boosts Overall Wellness.
Arjuna Capsule supports heart health by improving circulation and regulating blood pressure. It enhances overall wellness and provides natural support for a healthy cardiovascular system.
Active Ingredients:
Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) bark extract.
Indication and Usage:
• Promotes healthy heart function.
• Supports balanced blood pressure levels.
• Enhances circulation and vascular health.
• Provides natural cardiovascular support.
Dosage Information:
Take the prescribed ayurvedic medicine 1-2 times daily after meals with lukewarm water or as advised by your healthcare provider.
Precautions and Warnings:
Always consult a healthcare professional before use. Follow recommended dosage. Avoid during pregnancy without advice. Store in cool place.
Safety in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:
Ayurvedic medicines can be safe during pregnancy if used under a doctor's guidance, ensuring proper dosage and suitability for health.
Storage Information :
Store in cool and dry place. away from light, heat.
Manufacturer Information:
B-II/66,null, M.C.I.E. Delhi Mathura Road, Badarpur, South Delhi New Delhi, Delhi - 110044
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