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Hapdco Mtc 34 Drops treat cold and flu.(30Ml)

Useful For Lowers Mild To High Temperature, Cough, Headache, Watery Nose And Eyes

₹120.00 -20% Off ₹150.00
1100 products available
Hapdco MTC-34 Cold & Flu Drop is a homeopathic preparation given in the form of drops. These drops are indicated for the management of cold and flue and its associated symptoms.

Active Ingredients:

Sticta pulmonaria, Bryonia alba, Ipecac, Rumex cris, Spongia tosta.

Indication and Usage:

• The drops are used for the management of mild fever, headache and pain behind eyes

• It helps to manage conditions such as running nasal discharge from the nose.

• These drops helps to ease the pain associated with headache as well.

Dosage Information:

Administer 5 drops thrice daily or as advised by a healthcare provider.

Precautions and Warnings:

Keep away from children,Store in a cool, dry place,Avoid direct sunlight exposure,Consult a doctor if pregnant or breastfeeding.

Safety in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

Homeopathic remedies are usually safe for pregnant and breastfeeding individuals, but it's best to check with a healthcare provider first

Storage Information :

Keep homeopathic remedies in a place shielded from light, heat, and strong odors, as exposure to these elements could compromise their effectiveness

Manufacturer Information:


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