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Haslab HC 9 Tipical Complex Tablet (20g)

Treat Filaria,High Fever With Chills And Great Swelling Of The Limbs And Scrotum.

₹72.00 -20% Off ₹90.00
1100 products available
Haslab Hc 9 Tipical Complex Tablet Is Chiefly Used To Treat Filaria – A Condition That Causes Severe Disfiguration And Disability. Flies And Mosquito Bites Are Responsible For This Disease And Tropical Countries Like India Are Most Affected By It. When A Person Is Bitten By An Infected Mosquito, The Person Contracts Parasitic Nematode Worms That Are Transferred To The Human Burrow Affecting The Lymphatic System Which Is An Integral Part Of Our Body’S Immune System.

Active Ingredients:

Acidum hydro flour 3x, Hammamelis 3x

Indication and Usage:

•Recurrent Attacks With Persistent Symptoms Of Swelling



Dosage Information:

- 2 tablets, 3 times a day

Precautions and Warnings:

- Stay hydrated during treatment

Safety in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

Homeopathic remedies are usually safe for pregnant and breastfeeding individuals, but it's best to check with a healthcare provider first

Storage Information :

Keep homeopathic remedies in a place shielded from light, heat, and strong odors, as exposure to these elements could compromise their effectiveness

Manufacturer Information:


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