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Haslab HC 91 Camphor Complex Tablet (20g)

Constriction In The Chest And Excessive Mucous Formation.

₹72.00 -20% Off ₹90.00
1100 products available
Haslab Hc 91 Camphor Complex Tablet Is A Homoeopathic Medicine Which Has A Marked Effect On The Respiratory Conditions In The Body. It Is Used In The Sensation Of Foreign Particles In Trachea And Cough With Irritation In The Larynx. Indicated In Pains In The Chest And Breathing Difficulties And Manages Ailments Causing Cold With The Excessive Mucous Formation In The Respiratory Organ.

Active Ingredients:

Gelsemium, Aconite, Camphor.

Indication and Usage:

•Useful In Dry Coughing With Soreness Of The Chest And It May Be Used For The Treatment Of Paralysis Of The Glottis With Difficult Deglutition

Dosage Information:

- 2 tablets, 3 times a day

Precautions and Warnings:

- Use gentle shampoos and avoid harsh chemicals

Safety in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

Homeopathic remedies are usually safe for pregnant and breastfeeding individuals, but it's best to check with a healthcare provider first

Storage Information :

Keep homeopathic remedies in a place shielded from light, heat, and strong odors, as exposure to these elements could compromise their effectiveness

Manufacturer Information:


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