Lord's L 129 Hyperhydrosis Drop
Liver Disorder,Hepatitis,Jaundice, Constipation,Indigestion,Anorexia
Active Ingredients:
•Caper Bush (Himsra) – Capparis Spinosa Extract
•Wild Chicory (Kasani) – Cichorium Intybus
•Black Nightshade (Kakamachi) – Solanum Nigrum
•Arjuna – Terminalia arjuna
•Negro coffee (Kasamarda) – Cassia Occidentalis
•Yarrow (Biranjasipha) – Achillea Millefolium
•Tamarisk (Jhavuka) – Tamarix Gallica
Indication and Usage:
• It helps to reduce Inflammation of the gall bladder and indigestion.
• It helps to manage liver problems due to alcohol.
Dosage Information:
Precautions and Warnings:
Safety in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:
Storage Information :
Manufacturer Information:
Terms and ConditionsWe assume you have talked to a doctor before buying this medicine and are not self-medicating.
Product Dimensions:
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