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Indo German Adam and Eve Drops (30ml)

Treats Acne, Blackheads, Dark Circles, And Improves Skin Fairness.

₹130.00 -23% Off ₹170.00
1100 products available
This remedy helps reduce acne, blackheads, and dark circles around the eyes. It also supports skin fairness, leaving you with a clearer and more radiant complexion.

Active Ingredients:

Ammonium brom, Bromium, Hepar sulph, Juglans reg, Kalium brom: Ledum pal: Natrum mur, Viola tricolor.

Indication and Usage:

• Clears Acne (Pimples)

• Reduces Blackheads

• Lightens Dark Rings Around Eyes

• Improves skin fairness

Dosage Information:

• Use as directed by the physician

Precautions and Warnings:

•Avoid self-medication; use as directed by a healthcare professional.

• Do not exceed the recommended dosage.

• Inform your doctor of any existing medical conditions or allergies.

• Keep out of reach of children.

Safety in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

Generally considered safe in homeopathic, but for pregnant and breastfeeding best to consult your healthcare provider.

Storage Information :

Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Manufacturer Information:

Indo German

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