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Organix Mantra Brazilian Sweet Orange Essential Oil (15Ml)

Reduce Acne, Dandruff, Dry And Itchy Scalp

₹249.00 -37% Off ₹399.00
1100 products available

This sweet orange essential oil helps reduce acne, dandruff, and dry, itchy scalp. Its refreshing aroma can be enjoyed in a diffuser, while its topical application promotes healthy skin and hair. Perfect for everyday use, it provides natural solutions for common skin and scalp issues, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Active Ingredients:

• 100% Pure Sweet Orange Oil


Indication and Usage:

• Boosts mood and alleviates stress.


• Enhances skin health and appearance.


• Promotes relaxation and restful sleep.


• Acts as a natural air freshener.


Dosage Information:

• Add a few drops to a diffuser for a citrus aroma.


• Mix with a carrier oil and apply to skin.


• Add to bath water for a refreshing soak.


• Use in DIY cleaning solutions.


Precautions and Warnings:

Test on skin, dilute properly, avoid eyes, keep away from children, consult a doctor if pregnant or on medication.

Safety in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

Essential oils can be risky during pregnancy. Always consult a healthcare professional before using any essential oils while pregnant.

Storage Information :

Store homeopathic remedies away from light, heat, and strong odors.

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