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SBL Alfalfa Malt

Weakness, Fatigue, Malnutrition, Low energy, General debility

₹253.15 -17% Off ₹305.00
SBL Alfalfa Malt: This homeopathic malt is a nutritional supplement that supports general health and provides a rich source of essential nutrients.
1100 products available
SBL Alfalfa Malt is a nutritious dietary supplement that combines the goodness of alfalfa with malt extracts. Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and natural ingredients, it offers a convenient way to enhance energy levels, improve appetite, and promote overall well-being. This malt is an excellent choice for individuals looking to boost their vitality and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Active Ingredients:

Alfalfa Q, Avena sativa Q, Ginseng Q, Cinchona officinalis 2x, Hydrastis canadensis 2x, Kalium phosphoricum 3x, Kalium arsenicosum 4x, Ferrum aceticum 3x, Calcarea phosphorica 3x.

Indication and Usage:

•It increases iron content and thus helps anaemic patients.

•SBL Alfalfa Malt contains mother tinctures of Alfalfa, Avena sativa and Ginseng.


•Alfalfa and Avena sativa provide essential minerals and vitamins.

•It builds resistance to fight against infections, works as a revitalizing agent and removes mental and physical debility.

•Recommended for all growing children, anaemic patients, and old debilitated persons.

Dosage Information:

• 1 TSF three times a day.


• Child: Half of Adult dose.

Precautions and Warnings:

• It is advisable to seek the guidance of a qualified homeopathic practitioner.
• Avoid exposure to strong-smelling substances, such as coffee, mint, camphor, and menthol.
• Avoid consuming alcohol and tobacco products.
• Avoid consuming strong-tasting substances, such as salt and vinegar, just before and after taking the remedy.
• Avoid taking large doses of a single remedy, as it can lead to an overdose and negative effect.

Interactions with Other Drugs:

Homeopathic remedies may interact with conventional or other Homeopathic medications, so it is important to inform the practitioner if any medications are being taken.

Safety in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

Homeopathic remedies are generally considered safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but it is still advisable to consult with a practitioner.

Storage Information :

Store homeopathic remedies away from light, heat, and strong-smelling substances, as these can damage their potency.

Expiration Date:

5 Years from the date of Mfg.

Manufacturer Information:

SBL Pvt Ltd

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