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Similia India Derma Kool Powder (100g)

Say Goodbye To Prickly Heat With Our Amazing Powder.

₹90.00 -10% Off ₹100.00
1100 products available
Similia Derma Kool Powder helps beat prickly heat and keeps your skin fresh. It cools and soothes irritated skin, providing instant relief from itching and redness. Stay comfortable and refreshed during hot weather with this ultimate skin powder.

Active Ingredients:

Calendula Off Q, Echinacea Ang Q, Boric Acid 2X, Menthol 1X, Azadirachta Ind Q, Zinc Oxide 2X.

Indication and Usage:

• Relieves prickly heat.

• Soothes irritated skin.

• Keeps skin cool.

• Provides freshness.

Dosage Information:

Sprinkle on the affected area after cleaning and drying the skin. Use 2-3 times daily for best results.

Precautions and Warnings:

•Avoid self-medication; use as directed by a healthcare professional.

• Inform your doctor of any existing medical conditions or allergies.

• Keep out of reach of children.

Safety in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

Generally considered safe in homeopathic doses, but for pregnant and breastfeeding best to consult your healthcare provider.

Storage Information :

Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep soap in its original packaging. Avoid excessive moisture.

Manufacturer Information:

Similia India

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